Elia Ghisellini, Matteo Di Giorgio, and Davide Como were elected as the new members for the Local Board of the year 2022/23, congratulations!
But we are taking this opportunity to call for a second round of elections to give you the chance to be part of the local board of our association!
Do you want to shape the future of EUROAVIA Forlì-Bologna? Do you have ideas could add value to our association? Do you want to be constantly in contact with a network of Local Groups all around Europe?Do you want to give a boost to your managing skills?

Then don’t miss the chance to apply for a position inside the EUROAVIA Forlì-Bologna Local Board! Being a member of the LB requires responsibility and commitment, but it is also highly rewarding! You can find all the necessary details in the link here.
The election round will take place on the first call on Sunday June 26th at 20:30 on Teams and eventually on the second round on Monday the June 27th at 20:30 at The Abbey Pub, Forlì.