CFD applied to sports

Good morning #EUROAVIAns, in today’s Fact Friday we are  talking about CFD, the acronym for ‘Computational Fluid Dynamics’, one of the newest developments in aerospace engineering, but not only! It consists of providing the numerical solution of a fluid dynamics model, usually based on partial-derivatives differential equations. This is a very difficult task, because these …

Ermenegildo Preti

Ermenegildo Preti was an italian aeronautical engineer. He was born in Milan in 1918 and, from a very young age, he showed an interest in aviation. In 1936, while he was still attending high school, he designed his first glider, the later called CVV1 “Pinguino” (Penguin).  Two years later he started studying industrial engineering at …


Hello #EUROAVIANs 👋 Today we want to congratulate the guys of the “Cosmic Flares” team, who won the first edition of the EUROAVIA Hackathon, organized in collaboration with KIMbcn and ESA Space Solutions 🛰. The competition consisted in choosing one of the problems proposed by various companies and solving them with the expert support💡. Our winning team …

Edge of tomorrow

What if you are a discredited major US Army obliged to fight a futuristic war against a race of aliens that remind you of the biggest reptiles on our planet?  And if I tell you that the decisive battle will be in Verdun, the same place where a century years ago France and Germany fought …


Good morning #EUROAVIAns, in today’s Fact Friday we talk about Alitalia. Alitalia was the largest italian airline, it was created in 1947 and ceased operations on the 15th of October of this year selling its assets to ITA Airways a new italian fag-carrier. It was property of the Italian Government until its partial privatization in …

Artificial Intelligence in Space

Hello EUROAVIAns, We are glad to announce that our space rendez-vous are coming back!!! At Bifor, on November 4th at 19 p.m, we have invited Alessandro Lotti, a PhD candidate, who will tell us about artificial intelligence in space. Even if the topic seems interesting from the very beginning, just wait, come with us and …

Samantha Cristoforetti

“La felicità mi coglie sempre di sorpresa, arriva di soppiatto, inattesa e inspiegata. Credo che maturi dentro lentamente, senza disturbare, finchè un piccolo dettaglio la fa traboccare e lei rapidamente impregna il corpo e l’anima. Oppure è sempre lì, sottopelle, giusto in attesa che le si lasci un po’ di spazio.” quote from the book …

Blue Origin

Good morning #EUROAVIAns, in today’s Fact Friday we talk about human tourism, specifically on Amazon founder and billionaire Jeff Bezos’ company “Blue Origin”. Blue Origin is a private aerospace company founded in 2000 with the mission to “Increase access to space through reusable rockets”. Reusability is the key word, since by making reusable rockets 🚀, flight costs decrease …

The Island

Try for a moment to imagine how the world would be like if it was possible to clone human beings. Certainly, it would solve many problems but it could certainly create others, mostly from an ethical point of view. The island is a 2005 movie, set in a dangerously dystopian 2019 during which the Earth …

The Stipa Caproni

The Stipa Caproni was an experimental aircraft built by Luigi Stipa in the early ‘30s as a proof of his ducted propeller principle, which states that enclosing a propeller in a duct can increase its performances and efficiency, plus it may exploit the heat emitted by the combustion engine to achieve a further (although limited) …