The Aviator

“The Aviator” is a biographical film directed by Martin Scorsese. The film is about part of the life of Howard Hughes (Leonardo Di Caprio), an entrepreneur, a pilot, an engineer and a film director famous for his record breaking planes and his films. Whilst endowed with a strong personality, he suffers from a mental disorder …

OSIRIS-REx Mission

Good morning #EUROAVIAns, today we talk about the spacecraft OSIRIS-REx and how it was the “victim of its own success”. OSIRIS-REx (Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security, Regolith Explorer) is a NASA mission whose task is to reach the Bennu asteroid, take some samples and come back to Earth safe and sound. It was launched …

Wind, Sand and Stars

There was a time when the term Aviation was synonymous to bravery and Aviators were the greatest heroes of that era. In the tremulous times between the two World Wars, these men were opening new routes in the harshest regions known on Earth: from Paris to Buenos Aires and from New York to Río Grande …

Zero Fuel Flight

Good morning EUROAVIAns,in today’s Fact Friday we talk about new solutions for a greener environment. In today’s society we live hand in hand with technology only the most creative minds could have dreamed of a 100 years ago. Every day scientists all over the world push the boundaries of what is possible to a next …

Cubesat and Space Debris Conference Call

17 November 2020 | 18.00 We want to invite you to our third online Conference Call: CubeSats and Space Debris. The speaker will be Niccolò Bellini, an aerospace engineer who is currently working at NPC Spacemind. Spacemind is the aerospace division of the company N.P.C. New Production Concept S.r.l., focused on research and development of …

The Tao of Physics

The Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra is a bestseller that reconciles eastern philosophy and western science in a brilliant humanistic vision of the universe. Written in 1975, and since been translated in over 23 languages, it is a visionary exploration into the unexpected parallels of mysticism and modern physics. The Tai Chi (Yin & …

Supermassive Quasar

Good morning EUROAVIAns,in today’s Fact Friday we talk about the last fascinating Quasar came upon us! Astronomers have discovered the most massive quasar known in the early universe, containing a monster black hole with a mass equivalent to 1.5 billion suns. It is formally designated as J1007+2115, but it is also known as Pōniuāʻena, that …

Lost In Translation

Lost in Translation (Sofia Coppola) is a portrait of two lost souls yearning for purpose and meaningful connection. Bob (Bill Murray) is a fading Hollywood actor in a midlife crisis. Charlotte (Scarlett Johansson) is a young woman apprehensive about her future. Both of them are at an impasse in their lives where they mutually feel …

Smart Farming

Good morning EUROAVIAns,in today’s Fact Friday we talk about innovative ways to increase farm productivity. The global need for food is projected to double by 2050 because of population growth, dietary change, and bioenergy use, while droughts alone reduced global crop production by 10%, and farming land is being degraded by soil erosion, and mineral …

Startupping for Engineers Conference Call

03 November 2020 | 19.00 We want to invite you to our second online Conference Call: Start-upping for Engineers. The speaker will be Flavio Tosi.Member of EUROAVIA since 1987, back when he was a student, he is now part of the EUROAVIA Alumni association, where he continues to contribute to the association.He worked in the …

AS Forlì-Bologna runners-up in EUROAVIA Cup 2019/20

Since the beautiful vision that our founders had, troubled but incredibly rewarding, it has been nearly two years that we have been active in Forlì. It has only been six months since our recognition as an EUROAVIA Affiliated Society. Throughout our activity, we have organized an International Event, took part in several of them around …