The Sound Barrier

Good morning EUROAVIAns,in today’s Fact Friday we retrace the history about one of the bravest man of aviation: Chuck Yeager. Late 40s, Muroc Army Air Field, CA.With WWII over, Army Air Force desert station was destined to become a proving ground for aircraft and a testing site for experimental airplanes. Here, some of the first …

X-ray Cristallography

Good morning EUROAVIAns,in today’s Fact Friday we talk the British chemist Dorothy Mary Crowfoot Hodgkin (1910-1994). At the age of 10 she started to display her interest in crystals and she was encouraged to pursue this passion, especially by her mother. Sent to England for her education, Dorothy fought to study science along with the …

The Flight of the Bees

Good morning EUROAVIAns,in today’s Fact Friday we talk about one of the most amazing animal phenomena from a mathematical point of view: the flight of bees. The physics behind the way bees fly has always been a mystery and a subject of different studies. Until 1990, scientists thought that their wings worked in a similar …

The Dark Side of the Moon

Good morning EUROAVIAns,in today’s Fact Friday we talk about our lovely moon. The Moon has been our natural satellite for the past 4.5 billion years, yet we got to know what’s on its other side only recently, with the advent of the space exploration era.  But how did a whole 19 million square kilometres elude …

History of Stellar Classification

Good morning EUROAVIAns,in today’s Fact Friday we talk about the history of stellar classification and the women who developed it. In 1901, in Harvard, the scientist Edward Charles Pickering assembled a team of women to map and classify the different types of stars. The leader of the team was the astronomer Annie Jump Cannon, who …

The Myth around Wingtip Vortices

Good morning EUROAVIAns,we are excited to present Fact Friday, a new section in which, once a week, we’ll talk about the latest in technology, scientific state-of-the-art and new phenomena in physics!We hope you enjoy it! The beautiful vortices that you see detaching from the wingtips are, in Italian, usually referred to as the “trecce di …

Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Solar System

17 December 2019 | 18.30 | BiFor, Forlì Have you ever dreamt about space travelling? To explore strange new worlds. To seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no man has gone before! 🚀Well, combining science, food and beer🍻, this monthly topic will be space travelling-related: PhD candidate @rickylas2 will introduce us the …

Social Night – XMAS edition

Are you ready for Christmas?If this is your favourite time of the year, let’s celebrate it in real EUROAVIAn style! Come & discover what we have in store for you!You shall find us @biforbirra from 9pm onwards on Thursday the 12th of December. #euroavia#forli#bologna#unibo#aerospace#engineering#student#christmas

Europe’s Next Space Generation

Dear EUROAVIAns, EUROAVIA Forlì-Bologna has organized a remote connection with Paris to participate in Europe’s Next Space Generation event. The event will be held on October 8th at 17:30, Aula Polivalente Valverde, via Valverde 15, Forlì. We are happy to invite you to Europe’s Next Space Generation event, which is organised by ESA in collaboration with HEC Business School and …