Main page


Every year we propose a new rich variety of events and activities to our members.

These are great opportunities to increase your personal knowledge, skills, and last but not least, make new friends.

The organized activities include workshops, conferences, company visits and… ultralight flights!

Sitael Visit 2022
Pisa Visit 2022
G. Marconi Visit 2023
Flight Club 2023
Ducati Visit 2023
InSpace Symposium 2023


The Working Groups are the heart of EUROAVIA, as with their hard work they make our events possible.

They play a fundamental role as they are responsible for organizing the events, managing the website and taking care of the social profiles.

Check them out and join one of them to help the Association while showcasing your skills!


ALTEC – Company Visit
Call for Local Board Officers 2024/25
Flight Club – Reopening of registrations
Space Rendez-Vous: simulating space on Earth


The Local Board is the mind moving EUROAVIA Forlì-Bologna, as its members are the ones taking decisions.

Its composed by: the President, the Secretary, the Treasurer and the Executive Members.

Their tasks consist in representing the Association, managing bureaucracy, organizing finances and approving the activities.

Francesco Rapuano – President
Lorenzo Cola – Secretary
Michele Nardin – Treasurer
Hugo Santiago Mengoa Paredes – Executive Member
Francesco Mazzoli – Executive Member
Francesco Cuttitta – Executive Member